Online Ordering

If you represent a company, you will want to use our company account area. Creating a company account provides all company members with access to B2B features like quoting, company users management, quick order, and more. To create an account, click here.

To view all quotes, orders and invoices, please visit your customer dashboard after you have signed in.

Please contact your designated sales representative, or for assistance.

Yes. All orders must meet the minimum of $200 USD before taxes and any applicable discounts.

Please send an email to with the name of your company and the email address you are using to log in.


You may fill out a form here or reach Technical Support by phone at 1-800-556-4166.

DART's Approved Maintenance Centers (AMC) are composed of highly trained and qualified DART partners that offer competitive regional aftermarket solutions to all helicopter operators as well as cost savings to their customers. To view a list of our retailers, please click here.

At DART Aerospace we maintain the highest standards of quality and safety at each of our Centers of Excellence, thereby ensuring that our products meet and exceed regulatory and industry requirements. To view our certifications, please click here.

You can reach the Sales by email at or by phone at 1-800-556-4166.

Orders can be paid by credit card, or wire transfer. You have the option to choose either “credit card” or “Pro Forma Invoice” at the payment step. Credit card orders will allow the order to be processed immediately. If you choose Pro Forma Invoice then a sales rep will email you within 24 hours to send you payment instructions for wires/ACH. If you already have terms established with DART, you may bill to your Company Account. Please don't hesitate to contact your sales representative if you would like to apply for terms.

Warranty information as well as information on returns can be found here.


To view all Technical Documentation, please sign into your account and click here.

At DART Aerospace we maintain the highest standards of quality and safety at each of our Centers of Excellence, thereby ensuring that our products meet and exceed regulatory and industry requirements. To view our certifications, please click here.

Search for your required technical documentation here. Once you have opened up your technical documentation, click the second logo, next to the share option, to download your file. To watch a video guide on how to download technical documentation, please click here.

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